Jeffrey Casberg, MS, RPh: No financial relationships to disclose
Leslie Fish, RPh, PharmD: No financial relationships to disclose
Join this session as faculty focus on new and emerging traditional pharmaceutical brand-name drugs, as well as upcoming generics. You will hear about the most promising agents moving through the pipeline, their projected time to market and potential FDA or litigation delays, as well as their potential value and role in therapy and likely implications for managed care pharmacy.
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
Discuss FDA and legal concerns that may impact important pipeline drug release dates.
Identify high-impact brand and generic drugs that are recently approved or likely to emerge from the pharmaceutical pipeline in the coming year.
Describe the mechanism of action and expected indications of promising agents in the pipeline
Outline key Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee considerations and cost impacts of pipeline brands and generics.